Simple Music

Simple Music
Photography on satin papier, sound installation
80*30cm, soundtrack 0″50 played every 3 minutes
Collaboration with Aya KITAOKA

In Zhuangzi, one of the two founding text of Taoism, exists an allegory about the “celestial music”, which is sounds produced by a natural spontaneity, beyond human knowledge and rational world. It is a music that emerges from nowhere and everywhere, a communication with the cosmic path.
During a stay in Ostend (Belgium), the artist encountered by coincidence a flock of seagulls taking rest on a beach, over a trace left by a construction vehicle. This scene recalls immediately a music partition in western classical music, with a potential to be interpreted by different instruments. The artiste photographed the moment and invited Japanese violinist Aya KITAOKA (lives and works in Luxembourg and in Belgium) to interpret this piece of music composed by the nature.
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Biography of Aya KITAOKA
Aya was born in Japan in 1997 and started to learn the violin at the age of 4 at the prestigious Toho-Gakuen Music School. In 2018 she took part in Anton Garcia Abril International Chamber Music Competition and was awarded the 2nd Prize with her piano trio, Trio Santres. In April of 2021 Aya graduated from her master study at Conservatorium Maastricht (the Netherlands) with a score of 10 with distinction. Since September 2020 she is a member of Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra Academy.