About Chia

Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1989, LEE Chia is a contemporary artist who lives and works in France.

Chia is a multidisciplinary artist. Her creation varies across video, installation, painting, writing and projects that include more than one medium. She is interested in the presentation of the continuity between Culture and Nature, human and non-human. She seeks to create works that breaks the boundary of time, space, and species. She aims for a non-linearness in the era of globalisation.

2021-2022 “École Offshore” (post-master research program) École Nationale Supérieure d’Art et de Design de
Nancy, Casino Luxembourg, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art.
2019-2021 MO.CO. École Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Montpellier, France/ DNSEP avec les félicitations du jury.
(Master’s degree in Fine Art, graduated with the congratulations of the jury) 18/20
2016-2019 MO.CO. École Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Montpellier, France/ DNA avec les félicitations du jury.
(Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art, graduated with the congratulations of the jury) 19/20
2012-2013 University of Tilburg/ Erasmus Program
2008-2012 National Taiwan University/ Bachelor’s degree in Finance

Residency Program
2024 Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China
2023 Saison 6, in collaboration with Sao Paulo Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2023 Saison 6, in collaboration with Helsinki Biennale, Helsinki, Finland
2022 Sortie d’École, Halle Tropisme, Montpellier, France
2022 Primtemp Éternel, École Offshore, Shanghai, China

Solo Exhibition
2023 Dans l’air, dans la terre et dans l’eau, Espace St. Ravy, Montpellier, France

Collective Exhibition
2023 + or – 1.5°C, Botanic Garden, Montpellier France
2023 Risco de Queda/Fall Risk, 25M, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2023 The Floor Is Lava, Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki, Finland
2022 Blomaachen (edition 2), Casino Display, Luxembourg
2022 Xinhua Art Service (edition June 2022), Shanghai, China
2022 Blomaachen, Casino Luxemboug, Luxembourg
2021 Taiwan Annual, AVAT, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Politique du Silence, MO.CO.ESBA, Montpellier, France
2021 88 Mediums, Buropolis, Marseille, France
2019 SEND, MO.CO.ESBA, Montpellier, France
2019 Blob, Université de l’Éducation, Montpellier, France
2019 Table Rase, Amphithéâtre de l’ancienne faculté de Médicine, Montpellier, France
2018 Houle Longue, MO.CO.ESBA, Montpellier, France (curator)
2018 Salle #44, Musée Fabre, MO.CO.ESBA, Montpellier, France
2018 A Frippon, Frippon et demi, MO.CO.ESBA, Montpellier, France
2018 Unfinished Sympathy, Maison Heidelberg, Montpellier, France