
Rice, Sand, and What?

Rice, Sand, and What?2019 (in process) Performance/InstallationGlutinous rice flour, sand, water In this performance/installation piece, an ancient “eco-friendly” mortar recipe is revisited: the mixture of glutinous rice, sand, and potentially other materials (brown sugar, burnt oyster shells) according to the region where it was used. This is the recipe the Chinese used to construct the …

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Relict2021 Full HD video, 8”30Map installation: printed map, eraser, cinnabar color, jar, spice130*100*100cm Relict is a project consisted of three elements: a short film, a map installation, and a set of eraser stamps.In biology, a relict species is a population cut off from the whole, who usually develops its own biological features and a unique …

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Galinsoga Quadriradiate

Galinsoga Quadriradiate2021 Interactive work with handmade paper, seeds, charcoal, silkprint150*150cm, 30*40cm Presented in the collective exhibition “Politique du Silence” (Politic of Silence), the project Galinsoga Quadriradiate is an interactive piece of work.Inspired by a quote from botanist Francis Hallé “Plants are beautiful and useful, discreet and autonomous, silent and of a total non-violence”, Chia decided …

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Oracle2020 (in process) Calligraphy in situ and series of digital image as documentation. Oracle is a project that revisits the possible moments of creation of writing in human history. Many earliest human writings took the form of ideograms, and the Chinese writings kept the form until today. As a native user of the Chinese language/writing, …

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Urban Pigeon

Urban Pigeon2017 Performance and series of digital image as documentation.In collaboration with Françoise PUNDEL. Urban Pigeon is a project Chia developed with Françoise, a young artist from Luxembourg, as their discovery trip in the city of Montpellier. Both foreign students of Fine Art school in Montpellier, Chia and Françoise visited public works of contemporary art …

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